This impact story was published by Chief Seattle Council - Boy Scouts of America. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Juan receives his Scout Handbook!

Ismael (Juan) Full Year 2010
Dear John,

Juan is eleven years old and lives in Seattle’s inner-city.  He is the son of a bi-racial family. With Neil, Niranjan, Susan, James and Malik’s support we were able to help Juan participate in the Soccer and Scouting program.

But we still needed funding for Juan’s Scout Handbook.

That is where you stepped in. Now, Juan can participate in the program more fully!

He is looking forward to going camping this summer and bringing his Scout Handbook so that his counselors can sign off on all the requirements he completes at camp.

John, thank you for helping Juan be a Scout and for giving him not just his handbook, but a handbook for life!

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