This impact story was published by Chief Seattle Council - Boy Scouts of America. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Edward is a Scout because of you!

Edward Olivares Handbook 2010
Dear Skye, Maria, Nadia, Bill, Craig, Eddie, Eileen, George, Peter, Susan, Marty and Lorri, Richard, and Tom,

Edward loves Soccer. Initially, he and his family didn’t know anything about Scouting, but his family decided to join the Soccer and Scouting program because of the opportunity to play more soccer!

Now, Edward is also learning all the other values that Scouting has to offer, and has the opportunity to meet new people in his community. Plus, he gets to score some goals, too.

Edward comes from a low income family, but thanks to Edward, Tom, Skye, Mary, Craig, Eileen, George, Richard, Susan, Peter, Bill and Nadia, he will be able to join remain in this program for a full year, and thanks to Maria he has been given a new Scout Handbook!

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